Social Success Starts Here
Life – it’s made up of moments strung together, back to back to back. Some are ordinary; they come and go with barely anything to make them memorable. But others are more important. And when we master them, they are impossible to forget.
At Carolina Junior Cotillions, we help prepare young people for life’s critical moments. The first job interview, meeting with the college admissions officer, the first dance with the potential future spouse, the business dinner with the potential game-changing new client — it’s right then they’ll reflect on what they learned at Carolina Junior Cotillions years earlier to own that moment.
Dance, social skills and dining etiquette are the heart of what we do. Yet that’s just the beginning. As our students are learning to master specific skills, they’re also gaining confidence. And they’re gaining an appreciation for the value that good manners and social protocols can offer them now and later in life.
The lessons we teach last a lifetime. We start early — with fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. The sooner we start, the sooner our students can begin applying what they’ve learned. And we have fun — lots of it! Because we are passionate about what we do, the enthusiasm is contagious. That’s why for 32 years, our business across eastern North Carolina has been built on word-of-mouth referrals from our graduates and their parents.
At Carolina Junior Cotillions, everything we teach — on the dance floor and in the dining room — helps students learn how to conduct themselves with confidence and poise. Our students “get it”; they gain an appreciation for how their words and actions impact their own success in social settings. And words like “courtesy” and “respect” take on a whole new meaning to them.
Best of all, our students enjoy the process. We skip the lectures on social skill building and, instead make it part of our everyday interactions with every participant. The end result is kids who feel better about themselves, about others and about the world around them.